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Arduino Tinkerkit Braccio Robot T050000

129.900 Ft (102.283 Ft + ÁFA)
Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt
Gyártó Arduino
Raktár 1: 2 db
Raktár 1: Expressz szállítás vagy átvétel
Raktár 2: 2 db
Raktár 1: Expressz szállítás vagy átvétel
Cikkszám 53208
GLS 24H szállítás
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Minősített viszonteladó

A Raspberry Pi Alapítvány által minősített viszonteladók (Approved Resellerek) biztosítják, hogy a termékek a gyártótól a legrövidebb úton a végfelhasználókhoz jussanak. Ez egyben garancia a termékek eredetére, minőségére, árára és a terméktámogatásra is.


Arduino Tinkerkit Braccio Robot T050000 - The TinkerKit Braccio is a fully operational robotic arm, controlled via Arduino. It can be assembled in several ways for multiple tasks such as moving objects. You can also attach a camera or solar panel. There are so many ways in which the Braccio can extend the reach of your devices.


It is recommended to power the board via the jack connection with a regulated 5 VDC @ 5000 mA power supply provided in the box.
There is an on-board voltage regulator for higher voltages that protect the Braccio shield. NOTE: The protection doesn’t work for the Arduino Yun if you put the bridge between Vin and 5V on the Arm Robot Shield V1 (greater version of are called Braccio shield and has a power switch on the top of the shield)

Physical Characteristics

  • Plastic Parts x 21
  • Screws x 63
  • Flat Washer x 16
  • Hexagon Nut x 7
  • Springs x 2
  • Servo Motors: 2 x SR 311, 4 x SR 431
  • Arduino compatible Shield x 1
  • Power Supply 5V, 5A x 1
  • Phillips Screwdriver x 1
  • Spiral Cable Protection Wrap x 1

Fully assembled Braccio Kit: 

Weight: 792 g
Maximum operating distance range: 80 cm
Maximum Height: 52 cm
Base Width: 14 cm
Gripper Width: 90 mm
Cable length: 40 cm
Load Capacity: Maximum weight at 32 cm operating distance: 150 g
Maximum weight at the minimal Braccio configuration: 400g

Braccio Shield: The maximum length and width of the Braccio Shield PCB are 2.7 and 2.1 inches respectively, with the power jack extending beyond the former dimension. Four screw holes allow the board to be attached to a surface or case. Note that the distance between digital pins 7 and 8 is 160 mil (0.16"), not an even multiple of the 100 mil spacing of the other pins.

Servo Technical Specification:

SpringRC SR431 - Dual Output Servo

  • Control Signal: PWM Analog
  • Torque: @ 4.8V: 169.5 oz-in (12.2 kg-cm) @ 6.0V: 201.4 oz-in (14.5 kg-cm)
  • Weight: 2.19 oz (62.0 g)
  • Dimentions: 1.65×0.81×1.56 in (42.0×20.5×39.5 mm)
  • Speed: @ 4.8V: 0.20 sec/60° @ 6.0V: 0.18 sec/60°
  • Rotation Support: Dual Bearings
  • Gear Material: Metal
  • Rotation Range: 180°
  • Connector Type: J (aka Futaba)

SpringRC SR311

  • Control Signal: PWM Analog
  • Torque: @ 4.8V: 43.13 oz-in (3.1 kg-cm) @ 6.0V: 52.86 oz-in (3.8 kg-cm)
  • Weight: 0.95 oz (27.0 g)
  • Dimentions: 1.23×0.65×1.13 in (31.3×16.5×28.6 mm)
  • Speed: @ 4.8V: 0.14 sec/60° @ 6.0V: 0.12 sec/60°
  • Rotation Support: Dual Bearings
  • Gear Material: Metal
  • Rotation Range: 180°
  • Connector Type: J (aka Futaba)

További információk itt.

Youtube videók


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