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Arduino Plug and Make Kit - AKX00069

37.900 Ft (29.843 Ft + ÁFA)
Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt
Gyártó Arduino
Raktár 1: 5 db
Raktár 1: Expressz szállítás vagy átvétel
Raktár 2: 9 db
Raktár 1: Expressz szállítás vagy átvétel
Cikkszám 55470
GLS 24H szállítás
Személyes átvétel lehetősége
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Minősített viszonteladó

A Raspberry Pi Alapítvány által minősített viszonteladók (Approved Resellerek) biztosítják, hogy a termékek a gyártótól a legrövidebb úton a végfelhasználókhoz jussanak. Ez egyben garancia a termékek eredetére, minőségére, árára és a terméktámogatásra is.


Légy kreatív az Arduinoval!

Welcome to the Plug and Make Kit experience, the ultimate gateway to your Arduino adventure. Designed for both beginners and seasoned makers, this kit provides everything you need to create your first IoT devices swiftly and easily. From accessible hardware packed with versatile features to intuitive software and seamless Cloud integration, we’ve made sure it’s user-friendly and ready for all your creative ideas. So, what will you build today?

If you’re new to Arduino, there’s no need to worry! Our comprehensive, free, multilingual online guide will walk you through the entire Arduino ecosystem. It includes seven fully documented projects to spark your creativity and detailed instructions on using the innovative Modulino® nodes. This guide is designed to make your learning journey smooth and enjoyable, ensuring you can dive into making with confidence.

Free online platform

The Plug and Make Kit is essential for anyone looking to explore Arduino, add automation and IoT to DIY projects, or expand their making capabilities. Featuring the powerful Arduino UNO R4 WiFi and the versatile Modulino® nodes, this kit allows you to quickly prototype and expand your projects.

Here’s what’s included in the kit:

  • Arduino® UNO R4 WiFi: The powerhouse of your projects.
  • USB-C® cable: Easily power up and upload code to your Arduino.
  • Modulino® Distance: Measure distance with precision.
  • Modulino® Pixels: Control brightness and color with eight LEDs.
  • Modulino® Knob: Perfect for precise value adjustments.
  • Modulino® Buzzer: Generate tones for alarms or melodies.
  • Modulino® Movement: Measure movement like pitch, roll, or tilt.
  • Modulino® Buttons: Navigate projects with three buttons.
  • Modulino® Thermo: Collect temperature and humidity data.
  • Qwiic cables: Effortlessly connect Modulino® nodes and the Arduino board.
  • Modulino® base: Create a stable home base for your project.
  • Spacers, screws, and nuts: Secure everything in place for a permanent installation.

Join us and start building something amazing with the Plug and Make Kit!

Technical Specifications

Kit Name Plug and Make Kit
SKU AKX00069
Board included Arduino® UNO R4 WiFi ABX00087
Modulino® nodes Communications I2C (over QWIIC connector)
Operational voltage 3.3 V
Modulino® nodes included Name SKU Feature component Address
Modulino® Movement ABX00101 LSM6DSOXTR     
0x6A (0x6B)
Modulino® Distance ABX00102 VL53L4CDV0DH/1 0x29
Modulino® Thermo ABX00103 HS3003 0x44
Modulino® Knob ABX00107 PEC11J (STM32C011F4 for I2C communication) 0x76 (address can change via software)
Modulino® Buzzer ABX00108 PKLCS1212E4001-R1 (STM32C011F4 for I2C communication) 0x3C (address can change via software)
Modulino® Pixels ABX00109 8 LC8822-2020 (STM32C011F4 for I2C communication) 0x6C (address can change via software)
Modulino® Buttons ABX00110 3 push buttons plus 3 yellow LEDs (STM32C011F4 for I2C communication) 0x7C (address can change via software)
Other accessories USB-C® cable 1
Qwiic cables 7
Modulino® base 1
Screws M3 (10 mm) 24
Nuts M3 20
Metal spacers 4





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